I honestly don't know what you're talking about but I'll agree with that last part, about how Jesus was baptized at 30. It's also worth noting that there were no child baptisms ever mentioned in the new testament.
here's a new article that came out:.
do jehovah’s witnesses baptize infants?no.
the bible does not endorse infant baptism.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about but I'll agree with that last part, about how Jesus was baptized at 30. It's also worth noting that there were no child baptisms ever mentioned in the new testament.
here's a new article that came out:.
do jehovah’s witnesses baptize infants?no.
the bible does not endorse infant baptism.
Here's a new article that came out:
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize infants?
No. The Bible does not endorse infant baptism. For example, it shows that before being baptized, first-century Christians heard the message, “gladly accepted” it, and repented. (Acts 2:14, 22, 38, 41) Thus, to be baptized, one must be old enough to comprehend what the Bible teaches, must believe it, and must have made a decision to live by those teachings. These are things that an infant cannot do.
As children grow, they may in time choose to be baptized. However, to do so, they must understand the commitment they are making.
i ask the question on the title because there a quite a number of statements the apostle paul made about the coming of jesus and resurrection of the holy ones that never fulfilled.
1 corinthians 15: 51, 52 (nwt) : .
i tell you a sacred secret: we will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.
Here's a good quite:
The Cult Awareness and Information Centre . . . :
"The moment someone becomes God or God's voice on Earth it gives them another level of authority to enforce submission to them."
the watchtower is thrilled with the amount baptised in the 2019 service year.
they are reporting an increase in publishers of 103,208 from the 2018 year.. this is what they have posted under global news on their website -.
2019 service year report includes largest baptismal figure in 20 yearswe are thrilled to announce that during the 2019 service year, more than 300,000 individuals were baptized as jehovah’s witnesses.
They want to downplay the large number of increasing memorial partakers by saying many are mentally ill or unstable . . . So why brag about the increase? Shouldn't all these 'sick' people not be counted?
in the new article about the international convention in manila, the picture of the crowd is pretty telling.
they look so drained and miserable!.
Outdoors on most likely a warm and humid Manila day.
It's actually at a modern indoor venue, so lack of AC isn't the problem.
can someone please help me with this, if you’ve looked into it before?.
i read somewhere that the witnesses didn’t celebrate the memorial on nisan 14 according to the jewish calendar.
i did a quick google check - seems next years memorial is on tuesday (nisan 13) rather than the wednesday, nisan 14 according to the jewish calendar.
In a semi-recent WT they explained why they differ from the officially recognized calander:
The calendar is based on moon sightings and so isn't entirely consistent. In modern times they use telescopes to find the first known glimmer of the waxing moon, which spells the start of the month. However the GB doesn't agree with this because there were no telescopes in Jesus' time. So they count from when a sliver of the moon is first visible to the naked eye.
in the new article about the international convention in manila, the picture of the crowd is pretty telling.
they look so drained and miserable!.
In the new article about the international convention in Manila, the picture of the crowd is pretty telling. They look so drained and miserable!
just looking at the pictures in tomorrow's wt study makes me think of the nightmares i used to have as a child.
and nowadays the pictures are sometimes more realistic, so for any who are truly mentally in, this has a terrible effect on them and even their life choices.
looking in as a pimo or pomo it seems almost comical that adults would believe in this sci-fi bible fan-fiction, but it's not funny when we remember that all ages of the r&f are being manipulated by the gb by these cheap and evil means.. .
Here it is:
ewart chitty was appointed as secretary-treasurer , which position he held until his appointment to the governing body in november 1974.. when in brooklyn, chitty seems to have preferred younger men as roommates.
the actual charge brought to the gb against chitty was made by a former roommate and involved some sort of inappropriate conduct.
the gb concluded that chitty had homosexual tendencies, and asked him to resign.. a rare photo of chitty in happier days.
For any lurkers reading this, Greenlees was a pedophile that was caught molesting a child of a friend. The GB did what they often criticize Christendom of and swept it under the table, merely transferring him elsewhere. A very brief and vague reference was made to it in the WT, but no names of course. I don't have links at the moment but this has all been documented and can be found if you really want to know.
i haven’t been to a meeting in months.
just got a sympathy card in the mail from a “sister”.
i don’t know her beyond her face.
She doesn't sound angry to me Simon, but you do bring up a good point:
what they have been told about you
The way the gossip machine goes it could be anything under the sun. OR it could just be the natural JW assumption that if you're inactive you must be stumbled or depressed, because there's no other logical reason.